The importance of forgiving

Escrito el 30/06/2021
Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy

Some of the greatest blessings we receive during our Christian life result from the good relationships we have with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

As we cultivate these relationships, we can be strengthened in our spiritual walk. The close spiritual fellowship that results from these friendships can help us in the difficult times of our lives.


One of the saddest things that takes place in the Church is the deterioration of relationships between believers. Sometimes even a very insignificant action can cause a person to feel offended. If the offense is not resolved, bitterness can set in. And eventually the relationship between these people will break down.

When we are wronged, our first reaction is often to retaliate or hold a grudge. But our reactions should not be like those of non-Christians.

In Matthew 6:14 we read, "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."

When we forgive others, God will forgive us. Many believe that it is enough just to go to the Lord's feet and ask for forgiveness for their sins, without taking into account what the Bible says in the above quote. It is important to point out that the word "if" that appears at the beginning of the text indicates a condition; that is, we will be forgiven by the Lord if, and only if, we have already forgiven those who offend us.

In other words, if we have not forgiven others their offenses, I am sure, very sure, that neither will the Father forgive us ours.

So beloved brothers and sisters, it is time to reflect on this. Let us review our relationships with the other believers in the Lord's Church and let us make a great effort to live in harmony with everyone and everywhere; in that way we will ensure the forgiveness of our sins when we go to the cross of Christ. May God bless you more and more each day.

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