Why give up?

Escrito el 30/06/2021
Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy

Hebrews 10: 39 "But we are not of those who draw back unto perdition, but of those who have faith to the preservation of the soul" (Hebrews 10: 39).

I know what you are thinking, I know what you are going through, but why give up now, why give up now when you are about to receive your reward, why give up now when you have already advanced a lot on the road?


Life is full of trials and obstacles, but none of them can be overcome by running away, on the contrary, you have to face each one of those trials and each one of those obstacles.

Why is your faith weak, I ask you: Are you praying enough, are you reading the Bible enough, are you congregating frequently, are you serving as God has instructed you, if there is a deficit in any of these areas, you need to pay close attention to each one of them.

Have you tried and you never can? You have not allowed God to act in your weakness and each time you promise Him that you will change, when in reality God wants more than words, He wants actions and part of those actions is to surrender completely to His will.

The Christian life is about surrendering to God, not to problems, because when you surrender to problems you are demonstrating that the problem was stronger than God, but when you lean on the Lord in the midst of your problems is when you are demonstrating that in spite of feeling weak you know that in God you will obtain new strength.

Let's not exalt the problem, let's exalt GOD who is the only one who can get us out of situations that for our mind are difficult to get out of. But for the ONLY STYLE of God is just another situation to solve.

Up to this point I have not seen a man who places his trust in the Lord and the Lord has let him down. You also have to understand that many times what you want is not what God wants for you, so what if your request is a NO, will you run away to the world, will that be a reason to leave God, will that be a reason to leave God?

You have a lot to lose by giving up and walking away from God, but nothing to gain if you decide to leave, give up and walk away from Him. I am nothing without God, but God without me is still God.

Come on! God did not bring you here to go back, He brought you here to conquer, to be the head and not the tail, to demonstrate that your God is BIGGER than any difficult situation that comes your way, as Job said in his moments of great tribulation as none of us have experienced: "I know that my redeemer lives".

Beloved, God makes me feel in my heart to tell you NOT TO GIVE UP, the enemy wants to see you defeated, but God has called you to BE MORE THAN A VINCER IN CHRIST.

Take strength from where there is none, take faith from where there is none, get up, dust yourself off and try again, DO NOT GIVE UP, please, DO NOT GIVE UP.