Prayer Does Not Solve Everything

Escrito el 30/06/2021
Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy

In Christianity many people use prayer as a magic wand that changes things; however let me tell you that prayer without action is just an illusion.

There are things that you have been praying for that it is not up to God to act on but up to you.


I remember a person who said "God take away this cigarette vice" to which I replied: Who introduced the cigarette into your life was not God but you, so the one who has to kick it out is you, not God.

Many husbands pray to be good husbands but do not make an effort to spend quality and quantity of time with their wives.

Fathers pray to God to be good parents but are not willing to let their patience grow when they are around their children and instead of becoming a child like them they forget that one day they went through that stage which makes them harsh, hard, indifferent and cruel to the creatures they procreated.

What things in your life need to change but you have left them to God? In what areas of your life have you remained static for a long time and have resorted to prayer but everything remains the same and even worse?

Other people are waiting for their prince or princess but do not relate with others to generate spaces and scenarios in which they can share and cultivate friendships.

Prayer is necessary but it is not enough, if it were, I assure you that you would not be where you are; and that is mostly the problem of many brothers in the faith who live praying but do nothing to bring about a change in whatever area.

You must pray but also act otherwise it will be a waste of time.

 If your faith has no works, it is dead.  James 2:17