Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy el 30/06/2021

Prayer Does Not Solve Everything

In Christianity many people use prayer as a magic wand that changes things; however let me tell you that prayer without action is just an illusion.

I Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy
Prayer Does Not Solve Everything
Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy el 30/06/2021

The importance of forgiving

Some of the greatest blessings we receive during our Christian life result from the good relationships we have with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

I Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy
The importance of forgiving
Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy el 30/06/2021

Take care of your desires and emotions

How difficult it is to control our emotions, how complicated it is to have those knots in our throat that we cannot release, for fear of the consequences, but even greater and better is the reward that comes from knowing how to make decisions and know how to act according to the will of God, because sometimes we want to impose our desires, believing that who better than ourselves to know what is best for us, but only in reality God knows us and gives us what we really need.

I Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy
Take care of your desires and emotions
Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy el 30/06/2021

Why give up?

Hebrews 10: 39 "But we are not of those who draw back unto perdition, but of those who have faith to the preservation of the soul" (Hebrews 10: 39).

I Iglesia Dios Habla Hoy
 Why give up?